Words to Stand on: Beginnings

Concerns. What we don’t talk about. Things that worry us.

Today, with the news of the school shooting in Connecticut  bringing up this topic led straight to guns, to who has access to them, how they are used, how we know who might…. The news hits hard. The words about the rampage, the tragedy, and reactions to it fill Facebook,  NPR and on headlines of our the local paper, the Daily Sitka Sentinel.

I asked the three people who took part in the start of this experiment with words and images to pick one concern and use no more than three words to express it.  As they placed little plastic letters on felt,  I got  a sense they juggled the news of the school shootings with issues that just perhaps, but I am not sure, felt easier to spell out and hold up.

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On Tuesday, we hop on a ferry for about three days, from Sitka to Bellingham, WA and hit the road for six weeks. Stay tuned for more concerns and also, for a positive note, “what matters.”

~ by coldwetnormal on December 14, 2012.

One Response to “Words to Stand on: Beginnings”

  1. nice theme

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